Wednesday, August 13, 2008

here we go again?

"Xanga is a community of online diaries and journals..."

Really. For the year or two that I got sucked into Xanga, journaling was probably the furthest thing from my mind. My friends and I just wanted to out-customize everyone else's page. Hours were spent browsing for the perfect codes that would send my Xanga over the edge. Marquees, splash screens, customized "props" images, I had to have them all. Oh, the follies of youth.

At college I discovered that certain individuals had continued to blog through the ages. I'm sure someone out there continues the quest to the ultimately tricked-out page, but these newly encountered blogs focus more on the content of its writer's thoughts and experiences.

So I've decided to blog. For the first time in my opinion.
It probably won't be a daily thing. Perhaps not even weekly.
But I genuinely wish to start jotting (or typing) down the quirky things that life chucks at me.

NOTE: To prevent the habits of the past, I've decided on Blogger versus Xanga. It's a personal decision; I have nothing against Xanga or its users.

1 comment:

JYL said...

welcome to the family lil' lee.
