Friday, July 22, 2011

a study. kind of.

due to the recent realization that my life is riddled with the most peculiar acquaintances, i've decided to record some noteworthy interactions with aforementioned subjects. my hope is to share glimpses into the creative means by which God brings laughter, confusion, and general blessing into my life.

note: the following is a collection of real-life conversations via various modes of communication. as unbelievable and fantastic as some may seem, no situation is fabricated or manipulated in any shape or form, though some necessary censorship may have occurred.


subject 07222011BK
codename: brian kim, BK
acquisition: Gchat
situation: heatwave (102 degree weather.)
07/22/2011 6:35 PM EST

(BK's status: i'm moving to alaska)
me: take me with you.
we'll buy two separate igloos.
B 국원 K: you can't buy igloos
you make them
you can make mine
Sent at 6:35 PM on Friday
me: 헐.
Sent at 6:37 PM on Friday
B 국원 K: sorry
my room's power keeps going out
drawing too much power
because i am too powerful
Sent at 6:39 PM on Friday
me: no comment
B 국원 K: because i'm too powerful?
you really want to brag to all your gchat friends about me?
i'm flattered
but be tactful
i cannot let my enemies know of my real identity
being a superhero is hardwork

[some time later]

me: so i have decided to begin a collection of the interesting interactions/conversations i have with my very interesting friends.
am i... AT THE TOP!?
by the way
that wasn't a thumper dumper
not even close
more like a... slip n slide?
me: yeah i don't even know what that means
so no worries
B 국원 K: oooh, i categorize my poops
me: ...............
B 국원 K: word.
B 국원 K: thumper dumper, slip n slide, hide & seek, abrakadabra,
and on occasion
nuclear fallout
Sent at 7:31 PM on Friday

me: i think you're having more fun with this than i am.
B 국원 K: i'm a fun loving guy most of the time, all the time.
that makes no sense
but it sounds philosophical
i'm philosophicalizing?

[to be continued..]


subject 07212011BK
codename: barbara kim, barbie
acquisition: FB
situation: frosh fob.

click to see firsthand.

Jennifer Jeeyoung Lee ‎... satir?
Yesterday at 2:05pm · Like
Barbara Kim yeaaa the indian restaurant!
8 hours ago · Like
Jennifer Jeeyoung Lee ‎... sitar*
8 hours ago · Like
Jennifer Jeeyoung Lee noob.
8 hours ago · Like
Barbara Kim ‎................LOLLLLLLLLL whoops

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

time is ticking.

I don't know how much more time I have left here at Penn.
I’ve been told since however long ago, that college will be the best time of my life. And it’s almost over.

The past few years have been a roller coaster ride. Not just your standard one with uniform ups and downs, but the one with all the tricks: the loop-de-loops, twists and turns, stomach-dropping plunges, and butterfly-filled ascents. And all of it has produced someone who is finally beginning to understand that she is an individual so flawed; yet amazingly loved.

The concept of grace. Of not only being shown mercy, but additionally given a gift that is completely undeserved. I sometimes still have trouble wrapping my mind around how God could love one so messed up as I. And for a while, I don't think I believed it could be true. My head knew it, but my heart didn't. However, when I think back to those who have left their mark on the Grauman's Theatre of my life, I can't help to think that the collection of handprints impressed there are a testament to His great love and faithfulness to me. God used these hands to mold and shape. To push and nudge. To slap me upside the head when I needed to wake up, and pick me up when I didn't have the strength. These people came with no respect for or adherence to my agenda that mapped out what I was supposed to learn, who I was supposed to learn from, and when I was supposed to learn them. From whatever location on the globe, from whatever path they were walking when they came to a crossroads with mine, through whatever means of communication available at the time, they spoke, acted or listened. Many times a combination of the three. And together, you stitched together a patchwork me.

If I need any evidence of how much God has blessed me, I need look only as far as my last Gchat conversation, text message, FB comment, phone call, or the last time I sat down with a cup of tea at Capogiro’s. There was a person behind each encounter. A person God handpicked, regardless of circumstances or flaws, to help me experience a little of Him, as we are like cracked, broken mirrors that still manage to capture and reflect a little of His light to each other.

Thank you. All of you. With whom I’ve laughed, cried, fought, and had those deep conversations that take all night. I can look back at my college career and honestly say that it was, “the best time of my life,” despite all the u-turning I’ve had to do. But I hesitate to end it at that. I hope that my statement carries a second part that makes it say that college has been “the best time of my life so far.”

So I ask you, my friends and family, to help make the rest of this semester, this year, the next 2-60 years, be what God tirelessly strives to make it be: the best time of my life.

P.S. Oi! Those in Philly!! Time is ticking! I still haven’t jammed on the steps of the Art Museum, taken a late-night walk down Schuylkill’s boathouse row, or lay down in the Quad to watch the stars. I still want to play endless games of Nertz, fail at making potluck dishes, lose my voice at NRB, eat unhealthily large portions of meat, make fun of you to the point you get legitimately upset at me, and pull all-nighters in Meyerson. There’s so much left to do, and though we might not get to it all now, hopefully some day we will. Whether I’m back in Philly next semester or not, whether we have a lot or a little bit of time to make these memories, know that you’re already part of this obnoxiously loud, more-than-slightly guy-ish, joyful sister’s heart. And though the number of memories made while apart may increase in the future, know that the number of memories to share about when we meet again will have increased as well.

much love~ ^^

Monday, March 15, 2010

sick... again & again & again...

so this past month has basically been riddled with illness for me.

however, no matter how much i try to hide away, people keep trying to find out how i'm feeling, if there's anything they can do, and actively try to be part of my life.

though i might push you away, tell you that you might get sick if you keep trying to be around me (which is true btw.), and reject your offers to bring me stuff, i am so thankful that yall care. ^^

i'm cynical, sarcastic, and try to put on a strong front because i adamantly say i don't like being a burden on people (which again is true btw.) but your expressions of concern, however small, make huge impacts on this fever-induced-racing heart of mine. :D

i'm so thankful for you all~ you know who you are ^^
and now i'm going back to sleep.


Wednesday, February 17, 2010


so haven't blogged since... a long time ago.

i have decided to once again. attempt to do this blog thing.
i don't expect anyone to follow.
but if i see that people are,
i shall post it to my gchat status as i see so many of the other emo gcc people do.

if no one reads, i will continue to use this space to write down my many thoughts
and hopefully i might be able to make some sense of them.

however, i have once against procrastinated and am looking at a long night of desperate studying.

so now i will begin.

current state: tired. but when aren't i?
general feeling: impending doom.

it's the FIRST DAY OF LENT!!
hopefully this season can be a time of growth, maturation, and testing of discipline... three things i sorely lack.

and i will begin... with studying for my exam tomorrow.

i realize this is a very inadequate first post after a long time... but i really don't have the time!!


k sanks.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

fall '08 semester.

some know how rough this semester has been for me.
if you didn't know, no worries~ i didn't tell many.
but circumstances have kind of screwed me up academically.

i know that i don't really have anything to blame for my lack of preparation. if i had been stronger in dealing with the problems that i ran into, then i would have had enough peace of mind to study ahead of time.

what am i supposed to do now that the time has come when all the studying that i haven't done is going to come hit me in the face? hard?

pray for me. that's all i can really ask for. 10 seconds will do.
pray that i can focus; something that i haven't been able to do since the second week into school.
pray that i won't dwell on my lack of preparation and actively try my best in these final hours.

as for the issues i've been having.
i've been telling people that i'm doing fine.
nothing drastic has happened to make me feel any worse than i have been. but the weight on my heart that has steadily been growing heavier throughout the year is still pressing down on me. i haven't been able to really pray. words leave my mouth but my heart isn't there. it is frustrating as i can't exactly pinpoint what is truly wrong with me so i can ask God to heal it.

if anybody has any words of advice. lOl. please share. it's a lot to ask during finals, but this struggle of mine has plagued me for a long time.

sorry for this kind of depressing post everyone.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

5:43 am

I started writing this post at 5:43 am.

I have a midterm in 6 hours and 17 minutes.

How do I feel I will do on this thing?

Not well if I stop now.

It's now 5:47 am.

In roughly 7 hours and 13 minutes Fall Break for me will begin.

I have classes Thursday, but nothing of too much substance.

It'll be glorious.

Anyway, enough of that. We have a FAMILY GROUP BLOG!!! Yes, ladies and gentlemen, HOPSCOTCH has a BLOG~ How cool are we??

I've already been so blessed by our fg already, I can't even start to put it all down here.

Random thoughts that have been swirling around my mind tonight:
- There are some amazing people around me; don't know how I'd survive without their love and support.
- I need to... fix some stuff.
- Ancient Greece is really interesting. Just not now.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

year 2

The most common question I've been asked thus far is, "So how does it feel NOT being a freshman anymore?"

I'll think a bit, and shrug. It either just hasn't hit me yet, or I don't really mind the transition. There's so much ahead; I haven't had much of an urge to reminisce about the past year.